Recruitment & Selection

  • Closed
  • 16th Mar 22 - 17th Mar 22
  • 9.30am-12.30pm - Delegates must attend both sessions on 16th & 17th March mornings
  • Remote Via MS Teams
    Remote Via MS Teams or Zoom
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This workshop has been devised for managers and supervisors so that they can examine, practice and improve their skills in staff recruitment and selection.

As part of a manager’s role, it is necessary that he/she becomes adept at a range of interviewing skills.  Getting the right staff and blending the best team is essential.  Without even realising it, it is human nature for us to make decisions about people based on hidden thoughts and feelings (unconscious bias) we aren’t even aware of. This course also asks managers to challenge their own perceptions and views when it comes to decision making.

This course will enable you to

  • Understand the importance of pre-interview preparation and how that can be the basis of a good interview.
  • Identify the correct procedure for preparing for an interview.
  • Control the discussion and use appropriate questioning techniques to gain maximum information in all relevant areas.
  • Identify the importance of listening skills and awareness of body language in the interview process.
  • Outline the main features of a successful interview.
  • To appraise your own interview techniques in order to make them more effective.
  • Make more informed decisions affecting selection to include an understanding of employment law do’s and don’ts.
  • Project a professional image of yourself and the company.
  • Be clear about the process.

The course will cover: Legal obligations; Requirements – Essential vs Desirable; Unconscious Bias; Interview Techniques; Types of questions.

Who is the Course aimed at

Any individual who is involved in the recruitment and selection of employees.

Recruitment & Selection

  • Closed
  • 16th Mar 22 - 17th Mar 22
  • 9.30am-12.30pm - Delegates must attend both sessions on 16th & 17th March mornings
  • Remote Via MS Teams
    Remote Via MS Teams or Zoom
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